6 things website content does for your business

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of website content and how it’s not just a bunch of words – it’s the secret sauce for businesses in the digital arena. No fancy intros, just straight to the point. We’re talking about how killer content does more than keep visitors glued – it establishes your authority, gives your […]

New Look, Same Values 

We believe that your digital presence should reflect your identity, and so, we thought it’s high time we updated ours. 

Content is Queen

Words matter, especially online. People visit websites to search for content. Whether it’s information, products or services, what they read on your website will determine who they choose to work with. The Internet is abundant in all sorts of products, so for people to pick your business, they would often look for your purpose or […]

Why Website Design Matters

When we say design, we don’t mean just pretty pictures or a cute logo. The design of your website encompasses the colours, themes, page structure, and yes, any visuals you may wish to include, be that photos, graphs, videos or illustrations. This is what users notice first, apart from speed. Doing it well, gives you […]

Good website health is above wealth

Here is a spicy [fun fact]: the health of your website is more important than its design. Because… how would users even see the design if they can’t load anything?! Remember, the average user spends around 45 seconds on a website, so even if you have the most high-end mind-blowing design but everything is lagging […]

How to Pick the Right Platform for your Website

Since websites are so fundamental to businesses these days, the Internet is flooded with different platforms to help you create them: Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Webflow, Shopify, etc. In the web world, we call these CMS or ‘Content Management Systems’. Do-it-yourself website builder platforms are currently worth $24 billion in the US and observe […]

3 Reasons Why the Backend of Your Website Matters

Let’s talk about a classic pitfall in the digital game – the set-and-forget syndrome. You know, where your website gets all dolled up and then you leave it hanging without a second thought? Big mistake. Sure, design matters, but beyond that, your website needs to be more than just a pretty face. It’s got to […]

Why Are Websites Important?

Revealing that we spend most of our time online is hardly a surprise. Nowadays, window shopping isn’t walking down the street or opening the phone book to looking for a business that may sell or do what we require. Nowadays, window shopping is digital. When people need something, they go online, either on their phone […]

Why Your NFP Needs A Well Designed Website

We’re proud to work with purpose driven Charities, Small Businesses, Social Enterprises, NFP’s, Individuals and Startups. That means working with companies and people that are doing good things for the community and planet.   Here are some key benefits of having a well-designed website for your nonprofit: Online Presence and Credibility: In today’s digital age, people […]

Why your Charity needs a Website

In today’s digital era, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated, especially for mental health charities. With mental health awareness on the rise, it is essential for these organisations to have a well-designed website and effective search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies. By prioritizing their online presence, mental health charities can amplify their […]